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Content Marketing

How Has On-Page Optimization Evolved Over The Years?

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Executive Summary

  • The top organic result on Google search receives an average CTR of 31.7%
  • Over the years, the search engine algorithm has evolved; therefore, the effective ways of producing content have evolved.
  • Today, SEO strategies have to develop according to the needs of the customers. The content must match the user’s intent if you want to rank that content well on SERPs.

Gone are the days when on-page SEO meant a lot of keyword stuffing. It just doesn't work that way anymore. Yes, it has changed over the years and this article will show you how it has evolved.

The Importance Of On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is a crucial aspect of a website because it blends creative writing with the technicalities of search engine ranking and specific keywords.

On-page SEO has many elements like meta tags, keyword optimization, content format, etc. that make your website discoverable on the internet. It is excellent for SEO marketers because it helps them in acquiring more customers or boosting conversions.

On-page SEO also directs your content and aligns it with the customer's intent. Hence, it is an excellent way of increasing user engagement and conversions.

Did you know that the top organic result on Google search receives an average CTR of 31.7%? With key optimizations, your business can achieve that too!


But how do we implement on-page SEO techniques? For that, you need to have a strategic plan. Without having a roadmap for on-page optimization, you won't be able to drive your desired results.

Over the years, the search engine algorithm has evolved; therefore, the effective ways of producing content have evolved.

Related Read: 45 Content Creation Tools To Level Up Your Social Media Marketing Game

Today, website owners should know the correct structuring methods to meet customer needs and search engine compatibility.

However, writing website content that ranks easily on Google isn't a cakewalk, especially when driving conversions. During the past ten years, content structuring has changed a lot.

Let's discuss all those elements that have evolved under on-page SEO. These aspects can help your website rank well, garner high conversions, and attract relevant audiences.

Align Your Content With User Intent And Robots Compatibility.

Today, SEO strategies have to develop according to the needs of the customers. The content must match the user's intent if you want to rank that content well on SERPs.

The content should be relevant, informative, original, and engaging. However, for a few years, it was tough for a marketer to fulfill all these parameters. 


However, nowadays you can achieve the best of both worlds. How? By formatting your content in a manner that helps readers, algorithms, and robots to scan content on multiple devices.

You can also check out some top SEO hacks that can help your website content rank well, enabling you to improve your website visibility and conversions.

Let's look into some more elements that have played a significant role in the evolution of on-page SEO.

The Significance Of H1, H2, H3  Heading Tags.

There has been a massive influence of headers in on-page SEO optimization. There are numerous ways through which you can improve your on-page SEO.

You can break down your text with H2 subheaders. Such subheaders give you a suitable place to insert keywords that can ramp up your technical SEO strength.

These subheaders also allow the website visitors to scan through the content when they arrive at your website.

You can add subheaders every three hundred words. You can also insert H3 headers that can have fifty to sixty words. 

Try adding multiple sections like these. It will give your content some solid depth! Use target keywords or specific phrases that the customers often ask during their search.

Add those phrases to your subheadings, if possible. Google Search Console is another excellent tool through which you can optimize your on-page SEO content.

You can open a page in Google Search Console to find first-party data around your content and Google's ranking terms. 

You can then add those keywords to your H2 and H3 headers. It is an excellent way of boosting organic search rankings.

In the end, we would say that you must simplify your content for your readers, make it easy to read and understand. To achieve that, you can break up your content into various H2 and H3 headers.

The Emergence Of Shorter Paragraphs!

For maximum engagement and conversions, you must optimize the tiniest element of your content. You have to align your content based on your target audience.

A large chunk of text is quite challenging to read, especially when reading that content on a phone or tablet. You can break down your content into smaller pieces or paragraphs that contain 4-5 sentences.

Such short sections are easy to read on mobile devices and do not confuse the readers.

Bullet Points And Content Breakdown Have Became Crucial

Bullet points are robust copywriting tools that allow you to compile information while pulling attention to essential data in a concise format. Today, marketers instruct their content writers to use bullet points because it will enable them to boost their on-page SEO. Other ways to use bullet points have been mentioned below: 

  1. Categorize your content into different sections by making small blocks of content. It will help you in making your text easy to read on mobile devices.

  2. You can highlight critical points that can help you in boosting conversions on various services pages or product pages.

  3. Insert internal links to your bullet points to help customers steer through the buyer's journey.

  4. You must keep the list of bullet points between 3-7 bullets. Don't fall for longer lists as they are hard to read.

Bullet points became one of essential elements of content optimization because it aligns with the interest of readers and search engines. They form an excellent balance between content marketing and technical SEO.


Why Inserting FAQ Schema To An Existing FAQ Page Is Critical?

Structured data are pieces of code that you can insert into your blog posts and website pages. These codes help Google to understand the true intent of your content.

You can format your content and markup language to spoon-feed search engines with relevant information about your content. It will help you in shaping your appearance on Search Engine Result Pages.

Once you add a "Frequently Asked Question" section in the foot sections of your website, you can add FAQ schema in the backend of your content. FAQ schema provides multiple benefits to your SEO strategy. These are as follows:

  1. Enhanced impressions

    : FAQ schema will enable your website to drive more organic impressions. Hence, it will allow you to fetch a higher CTR or Click Through Rate.

  2. More Website Clicks

    : When your web pages receive more impressions, you get to witness a growth in the total number of website clicks. Hence, you will see a higher number of clicks to your web pages and blog posts.

  3. Interlinking

    : Interlinking allows you to insert links to your FAQ schema. The primary intent behind internal linking blogs, web pages, etc., is to boost engagement.

  4. Better Online Visibility

    : FAQ schema makes your content more visible. Therefore, it enables your website to drive more consumers; it also helps you push your competitors lower on SERPs.


Developing a winning SEO strategy isn't a cakewalk; you need to deliver the right message to your audiences at the right time.

On-page SEO can help you achieve the best SEO strategy that shall help your website drive more conversions. For the best industry-aligned on-page SEO techniques, contact our SEO marketers today!

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